So, I'm a sucker for fun tech toys, especially AIR applications. Typically one version of something just won't do as I explore new trends and software.

At the moment, I am new on Twitter (baddogs) and enjoying it. My favorite aspect; rather, side effect, of Twitter is that I can now legitimately refuse to talk to my wife. Whenever she asks me a (silly) question, I add a Twitter post with the answer and refuse to respond in any other way. Of course, I find this totally amusing; Maureen, not-so-much!

One thing I quickly realized was that posting on Twitter from Twitter was a pain. In fact, it speaks to a general gripe I have with browser-based applications. Browser-based applications are great but I don't like having to use my "normal" web browsing for them. I prefer the AIR or Fluid (SSB) approaches, where the same browser-based service/application is usable in its own, contained application.

Long post short: I am exploring two Twitter applications: TweetDeck and Twhirl. I've used TweetDeck for about a week now and really like it. I just started using Twhirl today. I'll use Twhirl over the next week and then write up a comparison for those who give a $^@#.

Also coming up in the next week, is a ColdFusion-based project I'll be releasing into the wild. THe project is currently called URL Tweeter and is an open-source blog/website add-on (first in ColdFusion, then in PHP) that will add a "Tweet This" option to any web page or blog post. A site visitor will be able to simply click on an icon (default or custom), provide their Twitter account details, which are never saved beyond the API request, and Tweet with a link to the web page/blog post.

I just saw, today, that someone built a WordPress plugin, called Tweet This, of the same nature. It's pretty cool and what I want to do for CFML (and later other PHP/Jaxer-based blogging systems). More on TweetDeck v. Twhirl and URL Tweeter in the days to come.
